Workshop with Richard Dumas

Charlotte Gainsburg-2006 © Richard Dumas

Discover the work and approach of a reputed portraitist. Improve your portrait shooting by understanding the relationship with a model, self-confidence and the creation of meaningful portraits, under guidance of photographer Richard Dumas.

«A camera is not more than a pen, it can’t write alone.» – Richard Dumas

© Richard Dumas

Fotografi and Jan Walaker invite you to attend this unique workshop with the renowned photographer Richard Dumas.

Please note: Workshop moved to October 2020. New dates will be confirmed soon!

Richard Dumas is not a portraitist, but a photographer. In contrast with another photographer named Richard (Avedon, to be exact), Dumas is not a socialite or a star because he shoots celebrities or fashion photography.

This distinction is not intended to tarnish this celebrated photographers essential role but to better understand Dumas personal talents. He is immediately recognizable by his somewhat dandy-like elegance and his intuition for strong and restrained contrasts.

© Richard Dumas

His pictures seem to be out of time, transforming them into icons through the mystery of his square or rectangular compositions, which holds unexpectantly the vibrations of light. Richard Dumas’ refined photography is nourished by literature, Portuguese cinema, and a rich variety of music ranging from jazz to rock’n’roll.

In this workshop you will be challenged to develop your own personal approach to the photographic portrait. Through lectures and lots of hands-on-shooting you will get feedback from Richard Dumas on your work.

This workshop is intended for photographers that understands the basics of photography and who wants to develop their photographic language. After the registration we will ask you to submit five portraits that illustrates your style and technical level.

© Richard Dumas

Workshop outline:

• Meet and greet.
• Introduction to Richards Dumas work

• Lecture and presentation of students work
• Individual shooting
• Feedback and evaluation of students work
• Optional dinner

• Presentation and discussion on yesterdays shoots.
• Pep talk and shooting.
• Evaluation and individual work.
• Optional dinner

• Finishing up work
• Presentation and feedback on students work.
• Wrap up around 15.00

The workshop will be held at Fotografis location in Borggata 1 in Oslo.

Total workshop fee: 5.900;-
Lunch and dinner is not included.
There will be a maximum of ten participants.

Richard Dumas agent in Norway is Jan Walaker ( You can find more work from Richard Dumas at
Yes, I would like to attend Richard Dumas workshop in October.
Please remember that your spot is not confirmed before you get a confirmation on e-mail.



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