Landskaps-workshop i Marrakech

One can rely on the prudence of his decisions. Foto: Rune Guneriussen

Fotografis Christian André Strand og franske Fsp-agency arrangerer en femdagers workshopmed fotokunstneren Rune Guneriussen i Marrakech i Marokko i slutten av mai.Workshopen går over fem dager i perioden 25 til 30. mai og fokuserer på kunst og landskapsfotografering. Du finner flere opplysninger på Fsp-agencys hjemmeside.

This will be a 5-day intensive workshop focusing on art and landscape photography using large format cameras. We will go trough the artistic process, from idea and conceptualization to realization of a project. We will photograph every day, edit and have review sessions in the night. We will be staying in a beautiful riad in the medina, the old fortified city with great facilities

During the workshop we will photograph in the streets of Marrakech and do an excursion to the Atlas Mountains. Each participant of the workshop will be able to work alone with Guneriussen to photograph with the large format camera. You will get at least 3 negatives to bring home or develop in Marrakech. We will work both individually and in groups.

About Rune Guneriussen

Rune Guneriussen is an artist working in the transition between installation and photography. As a conceptual artist he works site specific, primarily in nature. The work on objects started in 2005, and has been photographing on locations all over Norway. In 2009 he had an installation at the Nuit Blanche festival in Paris as an invited artist.

His process involves the object, story, space and most important the time it is made within. It is an approach to the balance between nature and human culture, and all the sublevels of our own excistence. The work is made solely on site, and the photographs represents the reality of the installation itself. Guneriussen have exhibited in several galleries and art fairs around the world, among others Paris Photo and RheinGalerie, Bonn, Germany.

See more of Rune Guneriussens work at

One can rely on the prudence of his decisions. Foto: Rune Guneriussen
One can rely on the prudence of his decisions. Foto: Rune Guneriussen
A multiverse explanation Foto: Rune Guneriussen
A multiverse explanation Foto: Rune Guneriussen
Rune Guneriussen
Rune Guneriussen
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