Det er fremdeles billetter igjen til Oslo Fotofest (OFF) i Oslo 1-3 november. Arrangør er Dokfoto/Pressefotografenes klubb og Bilder Nordic School of Photography. Oslo Fotofest er et nytt initiativ for å skape en samlingsarena for fotografi i Oslo.
Det er ikke på grunn av manglende interesse at det er billetter igjen, men ganske enkelt fordi Oslo Fotofest arrangeres i Oslo konserthus. Syv fotografer fra det internasjonalt anerkjente bildebyrået VII-photo er invitert som årets gjester.
Fotografens verden er i konstant forandring. Gjennom syv fotografer fra VII-photo vil publikum oppleve hvordan byråets natur har skiftet fra krise, krig og konflikt til en mer sammensatt natur. Årets gjestefotografer er Gary Knight, Venetia Dearden, Donald Weber, Ron Haviv, Anastasia Taylor Lind, Ed Kashi og John Stanmeyer.
1. NOVEMBER KL. 19.00
Grew up in Somerset, an area she has been documenting over the past decade, for which she has received various awards and on which she published her first book. Venetia recently joined VII Photo Agency in New York and Paris and is also represented by Santucci & Co in London.
Ed Kashi is a photojournalist, filmmaker and educator dedicated to documenting the social and political issues that define our times. A sensitive eye and an intimate relationship to his subjects are signatures of his work. As a member of the prestigious photo agency VII, Kashi has been recognized for his complex imagery and its compelling rendering of the human condition.
2. NOVEMBER KL. 18.00
Gary Knight’s entry into photojournalism began as a bid to fulfill his idealistic and romantic impulses and escape what he saw as the monotony of life in middle-class England during the Thatcher years. After pioneering the launch of the VII Photo Agency in September 2001, Knight followed the development of events in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. His work has been widely published by magazines all over the world, exhibited globally, is in the collections of several museums and private collectors and has been the recipient of numerous high profile awards.
British/Swedish photojournalist Anastasia Taylor-Lind (b.1981) is based in the Middle East and her editorial clients include GEO Germany, Marie Claire, ELLE, Time, Newsweek, The Telegraph Magazine and The Observer Magazine, among others. She has received a number of photography awards and through them her work has been supported by a diverse range of organizations including Canon Italy, The Royal Photographic Society, The Guardian, Channel4 and Deutsche Bank.
Award-winning photojournalist Ron Haviv has produced images of conflict and humanitarian crises that have made headlines from around the world since the end of the Cold War. Numerous museums and galleries have featured his work, including The Louvre, United Nations, and the council on Foreign Relations. A co-founder of the photo agency VII, his work is published by magazines worldwide. He has published two critically acclaimed collections of his photography – Blood and Honey: A Balkan War Journal and Afghanistan: On the Road to Kabul.
3. NOVEMBER KL. 17.00
John Stanmeyer, born in Illinois, is a founding member of VII photo agency. Living in the Far East for over twelve years, Stanmeyer has witnessed throughout that time nearly every major historical event in Asia, photographing the rapid changes taking place throughout the entire region. Stanmeyer’s focus is on social injustices, eradication of global poverty, human rights and raising awareness for the sustaining vanishing cultures. Working regularly for National Geographic Magazine, on contract with Time Magazine for over ten years and photographing for numerous other global publications, Stanmeyer has been the recipient of numerous honors.
Gjestefotografene fra VII-photo holder workshops med studentene ved Bilder Nordic School of Photography og Fotojournalistutdanningen ved Høgskolen i Oslo under festivalen.. Et utvalg av arbeidet gjort under workshopene vil bli vist på Oslo Fotofest.
Donald freelanced for the international press in places as diverse as Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia and South America before taking aim at the bigger picture: the growth of insoluble World Power. He has since devoted himself to the study of how Power deploys an all-encompassing theater for its subjects; what he records is its secret collaboration with both masters and victims. Weber’s photography projects have been exhibited at festivals and galleries worldwide and his photographs are in the permanent collection of the Portland Museum of Art and the Museum of Memory and Tolerance in Mexico City.
På dagtid under festivalen vil seks av gjestefotografene arbeide med fem klasser fra Bilder Nordic og en fotograf med Fotojournalistutdanningen ved Høgskolen i Oslo. På festivalens siste dag vil det bli vist utdrag fra disse arbeidene.
– Pulsen i norsk fotomiljø er høy og det skjer mye. Lanseringen av OFF er et nytt initiativ som søker å skape en høstlig samlingsarena for fotografi i hovedstaden, sier initiativtager Terje Bringedal, som for tiden har permisjon fra ledervervet i Pressefotografenes klubb..
– Vi håper å bringe satsingen til et åpent og inviterende arrangement hvor alle former for fotografi kan finne sitt tilholdssted, hvor publikum kan oppleve drivkraften i miljø, men samtidig bli utfordret av ledene gjestefotografer, sier han.
Årets format vil være velkjent, og ha mange likhetstrekk med DOK-festivalen..
OFF arrangeres i samarbeid med Fritt Ord og Canon Norge og finner sted på Oslo Konserthus 1-3. November. Du melder deg på her:
Festivalpass kr 500 pluss billetavgift
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